Gardening 2024!
We planted the demonstration Garden the first week in June. We harvested the garlic after July 4. Everything else is coming right along. We have had visitors the past month: Elk and Prairie Dogs. They are so desperate for food/water they have done damage to the squash, completely ate up the bean plants. We had a Garden Open House. We are working on making compost for next year. We have never made it completely from horse manure. We'll see how this works.
We do have soil to give for your garden. Please call if you are interested.
We had a great season and Harvest, and we give all credit to the Lord Jesus.
We entered several items into the County Fair as Exihibits. They were all giant size. but we wanted the blue ribbons to go to those who had a garden and had something to show for it. If you have any suggestions for next year's garden, or give away, please let me know.
We hope you have a successful garden, and look forward to working with you in the spring.
You can always e-mail us at
East Valley Gardening Network provides free gardening items to encourage you to plant, grow and harvest your own garden. We offer free classes to help the home gardener succeed here in Flagstaff.
Where: East Valley Baptist Church, 10655 N. US Hwy 89 Please call us for more information, or concerns you may have.
East Valley Gardening Network, 928-527-8977
Side Notes:
We hope the Demonstration Garden has been a blessing to you and to others. As I told folks here, the Lord blessed this garden, to show everyone they need the Lord in their life to be blessed. The Bible has a road map to help you find Him. May you bear fruit in your life for the glory of the one who Created you.
Pastor and Master Gardener
Daryl Bennett